Hair Transplant

All you need to know about the HAIR TRANSPLANT performed by our spetialist, Dr. Cruz Dinis, Hair Surgeon, at Madeira Hair Clinic in a real case video.

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There are several techniques for harvesting follicular units (FUs) in the donor area, but the most important are FUT and FUE.


The initials “FUT” stands for Follicular Unit Transplantation. Obtaining these Follicular Units is done by removing a strip of scalp located at the selected donor areas and by carefully separating each unit with a three-dimensional microscopic.


The initials “FUE” stands for Follicular Unit Extration. It is a new technique of obtaining the Follicular Units from the donor area by removing them one by one from the donor area, with the aid of a specific instrument (manual, motorized or robotic punchs), and then implanted on the bald area. Is known as Hair Transplant “without linear scar” since no cut is made in the scalp.

Hair Transplant of 3000 follicles throught FUE technique.
Hair Transplant throught FUE technique.
Restauration of hair Frontal Line by FUE technique.

The FUE technique has several advantages over the FUT, such as:
– Larger donor region;
– Ideal for beard, moustache, eyebrows and other body parts;
– Less invasive, without cuts and not leaving scars;
– Ideal for young patients who like to shave their head.

Restauration of hair Frontal Line by FUE technique.
High Density Hair Transplant throught FUE technique.
Hair Transplant of 3200 follicles throught FUE technique.